Thursday, July 31, 2008

Randomness Squared #7: HBP Trailer

We're back! With episode 7!

Direct Download (31.6 MB)

Show Notes:
-New Intro!
-New Layout!
-New Trailer for Half-Blood Prince!
-News about Podcast stuff!
-Now we end!

I hope that's enough 'n's for you all! So, we hope you enjoyed this podcast, and look for new site updates, and more regular news and stuff in the near future!


Friday, July 25, 2008

Random Update #4

Hey everyone! First off I'd like to thank everyone who visits the site and has helped out by telling people about this podcast. We now have over 100 unique hits which I think is a great achievement for a podcast so small.

Secondly I want to apologize for the lack of podcasts. Melissa has been extremely busy with work, and when we did record one, one of the files was corrupted and they couldn't be edited together. Don't worry, it was a short episode, and we didn't talk about much.

So, that brings me to my final point. If anyone knows how I can record both Melissa and I talking on one computer that would be great. Please email me or It would be a giant help. It would solve a lot of problems and make editing go a lot smoother. Which means more podcasts quicker.

So, thanks for hanging in there, and Melissa and I can hopefully get a podcast together soon. Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

E3 2008

Hey everyone! It's Jake here. I know it's late notice but I will be posting updates about Nintendo's E3 conference for the next hour or so. I'm going to watch it live on a website and react live as well. The reactions will be on my new Twitter account:

So, if you are interested check it out and if you would like to watch it live check out or (maybe, not positive on the gamespot one).

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Random Update #3

Hello everyone that actually reads this and if you do please comment!

It's Jake here with another Random Update... oooOOooo, ahhhhh!

Yes, we apologize for there not being a podcast this week, we were both busy and it kind of just slipped our minds -sets up alarm on iPhone-. Anyways, there wont be one this week either probably as Melissa is moving back home for the rest of the summer. She is just finishing up summer classes and stuff like that. I also have a dentist appointment among other things this week.

We did fix our hosting issues and it seems to be working rather well even though episode 6 got sent out to everyone again last week titled "Good News" on iTunes. But that wont happen again, I promise =).

So, enjoy your week and we will podcast again as soon as possible. Thanks for reading and PLEASE comment!

P.S. we are still looking for editors and fellow podcasters, please email or to contact us. Thanks!


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Good News

I have good news everyone! I was able to locate a file host! for free! Just a lot of passwords I have to remember. Anyways, let's get to the point. The file below is episode 6. As of now I am not planning on uploading the other ones, but if someone does want them uploaded I will.

Here is episode 6!

Direct Download (41.6 MB)

hopefully it goes up on iTunes, but I am not sure if multiples of the same episode will go up. So, stay tuned for episode 7 later this week or next Monday, not sure yet. Just stay tuned!

MELISSA'S EDIT: Jake is a total hero! Much thanks goes out to him for saving the podcast and our wallets. <3

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hosting Issues

Hey everyone, if you are having troubles downloading the podcast (in anyway shape or form) I apologize.

The host that I use is being weird for some reason and in the future I may have to rely on paying a site. However we have not reached that point yet. The files are not available for download currently, but hopefully this is just a temporary thing.

Because it is 4th of July and with that comes this long weekend, Melissa is at home and I am trying to not worry about this. So, come Tuesday we will have an update for you. Melissa also has a speech to worry about.

So, I believe that is all for now. Have a good long weekend, and keep enjoying summer!


P.S. If you know of a good host that is cheap, or better, free, please email me at, thanks!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Randomness Squared #6: We Have Stuff to Talk About

Episode #6 is heeeeeeeeere! And we actually have things to talk about!

Direct Download (40MB)

Show Notes:
-Tattoos to Roller Coasters?
-iPhone 2.0 (Melissa wants one)
-Canada Day (Yay Canada!)
-Podcast Editors/People

As always please email with comments/concerns or if you want to be part of the podcast in any way! Other contact information can be found on the right sidebar.

Opening Music: "Waiting for a War" by The Morning Benders
Closing Music: "I Can Be Your Friend" by The O.C. Supertones