Saturday, June 6, 2009

Under Construction

The format of this podcast and page are under construction. Date of completion: UNKNOWN

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Random Update #8: V-logging

Hello Randomness Squared listeners! I hope you are all having a wonderful day. Ok, that was chessy, and I know it. So, lets just get down to b-uisness.

So, over the past two weeks or so, Melissa and I have been discussing the possibilty of us "vlogging." Melissa bought herself a webcam, and I have my digital camera and so we are going to do it.

We don't have a schedule or anything worked out yet, but hopefully, we will both be "vlogging" at least once a week. I really don't know how I should spell "vlogging" I just hope I'm getting it right.

Anyways, I uploaded the intro video today so go and check it up. I'm guessing it'll be up soon. It's uploaded, and it says it is being processed right now or something. Melissa and I will be discussing the schedule and we'll let you all know about it asap.

Thanks for staying with Randomness Squared!


Monday, January 19, 2009

Randomness Squared #9: Randomness

Randomness Squared #9: Randomness

Direct Download (33.7 MB)

Show Notes:
-it's dang cold
-The Tales of Beedle the Bard
-Don't drop your iPhone!
-best selling game of 2009
-and more!

Jake's iPhone case:

Melissa's iPod Touch case:

Monday, December 29, 2008

Looking Forward Into 2009

Hello everyone, as 2009 approaches new goals shall be set, and we look back to see if old goals were met. So, I will look back upon old posts to see what I set for '08 if anything...

Ahhh yes, I started out 2008 with the Lava-Productions podcast. Haha, that seems like forever ago. So, I think my goal was to get something started. And look at this, goal accomplished. Now, this isn't the biggest podcast ever but I'm hoping it will gain an audience.

Anyways, looking into 2009, we can hope for the best. I know Melissa and I both wish we could do the podcast more often, and maybe that'll happen, but you never know. It would be really cool if I could get different groups of people recording podcasts together that way we can get more out there. Maybe we should do that... If you and a friend of yours have wanted to do a podcast together but don't know how to publish it, email me! If you record it and send everything to me, I could get it going here. Randomness Squared would truly start being random surprises about who is going to be on the podcast.

This is me brainstorming, can you tell? Haha, anyways as always, thanks for reading and look for more great stuff in 2009! Maybe Melissa will add her own little addition to this post after me...


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Random Update #7: Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays everyone!

Let's get to the update:

WE NEED PEOPLE! Plain and simple, we would like to have more people be part of this site. I, personally, would like to see news posters who could post commentaries on random news of the world. Or I would like to see people post funny stories and stuff. There is a whole bunch of things this site could evolve into, and I would like to see this site grow exponentially on 2009.

Anyways, if you would like to help out in anyway, writer, editor, podcaster, or any other ideas that you have, please email me at

Happy Holidays!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Randomness Squared #8: Stuff

Hey everyone! We're back! We both have been in school for a few months now, and we have finally gotten a chance to record. It was a little sudden notice, so excuse us for our Randomness!

Direct Download (41 MB)
-85+ Days
-Other stuff

So, enjoy this Randomness Squared and hopefully we can get back into the swing of things. Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Random Update #6

Hello everyone! This is Melissa. I just wanted to let everyone know that we are still here. Between my Lasik and school starting for both of us, things have been a bit crazy lately. Thankfully I brought my headset with me to college, so we will have a new podcast up as soon as possible. Keep checking back!

-this is Jake's part now-

I didn't want to do another post, so I am just editing this one.

School just started for me today, so stuff is going to be crazy again. I'm taking some tough classes this year, and it's marching band season, so all that will be going on. So, hang in there, and we will do as much as we can! Thanks for reading!