Saturday, February 7, 2009

Random Update #8: V-logging

Hello Randomness Squared listeners! I hope you are all having a wonderful day. Ok, that was chessy, and I know it. So, lets just get down to b-uisness.

So, over the past two weeks or so, Melissa and I have been discussing the possibilty of us "vlogging." Melissa bought herself a webcam, and I have my digital camera and so we are going to do it.

We don't have a schedule or anything worked out yet, but hopefully, we will both be "vlogging" at least once a week. I really don't know how I should spell "vlogging" I just hope I'm getting it right.

Anyways, I uploaded the intro video today so go and check it up. I'm guessing it'll be up soon. It's uploaded, and it says it is being processed right now or something. Melissa and I will be discussing the schedule and we'll let you all know about it asap.

Thanks for staying with Randomness Squared!


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