Sunday, July 13, 2008

Random Update #3

Hello everyone that actually reads this and if you do please comment!

It's Jake here with another Random Update... oooOOooo, ahhhhh!

Yes, we apologize for there not being a podcast this week, we were both busy and it kind of just slipped our minds -sets up alarm on iPhone-. Anyways, there wont be one this week either probably as Melissa is moving back home for the rest of the summer. She is just finishing up summer classes and stuff like that. I also have a dentist appointment among other things this week.

We did fix our hosting issues and it seems to be working rather well even though episode 6 got sent out to everyone again last week titled "Good News" on iTunes. But that wont happen again, I promise =).

So, enjoy your week and we will podcast again as soon as possible. Thanks for reading and PLEASE comment!

P.S. we are still looking for editors and fellow podcasters, please email or to contact us. Thanks!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Umm... Just commented? XD

I found anonther host in case your other host(s) don't work again.



Bye, Lava!